French/France Quotes to Inspire Your Life and Love for the French Culture

France is known for its beautiful landscapes, rich history, and of course, its famous culture. From delicious food and wine to fashion and art, France has contributed so much to the world. To celebrate the French culture and everything it stands for, we have compiled a list of inspiring French quotes that will inspire and motivate you. From famous movie quotes to short French sayings about life and love, this post has it all.

France Quotes

  1. "France is a feast." - Julia Child
  2. "To know Paris is to know a great deal." - Henry Miller
  3. "The French are always right." - Ernest Hemingway
  4. "France is the country where the money falls apart and you can't tear the toilet paper." - Billy Wilder
  5. "Paris is always a good idea." - Audrey Hepburn
  6. "France has neither winter nor summer nor morals. Apart from these drawbacks it is a fine country." - Mark Twain
  7. "If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast." - Ernest Hemingway
  8. "France is not a country, it's a world." - Gerard Depardieu
  9. "France is the only country where the moon is a national symbol." - Francois Mitterrand
  10. "France, more than any other country, has a cuisine." - Julia Child

Quotes about French Culture

  1. "French culture is based on an appreciation of food, wine, and the finer things in life." - Anonymous
  2. "The French take their culture seriously; it is not just entertainment, it is an expression of their identity." - Anonymous
  3. "French culture is like a good wine, it takes time to appreciate its richness and complexity." - Anonymous
  4. "French culture is all about enjoying life and living it to the fullest." - Anonymous
  5. "French culture values elegance, sophistication, and refinement in everything they do." - Anonymous
  6. "The French are proud of their culture and heritage and will go to great lengths to preserve it." - Anonymous
  7. "French culture is a blend of tradition and modernity, a perfect balance of the old and the new." - Anonymous
  8. "French culture is about appreciating the beauty in the simple things in life." - Anonymous
  9. "French culture is like a work of art, it is something to be admired and appreciated." - Anonymous
  10. "French culture is a way of life that celebrates the beauty of everyday moments." - Anonymous

Movie Quotes about France

  1. "Here's looking at you, kid." - Casablanca
  2. "Marie Antoinette: I want to eat cake.
  3. Ambassador Mercy: You can't eat cake, there's no bread." - Marie Antoinette
  4. "Monsieur, you have the soul of a poet and the eyes of an angel." - Moulin Rouge!
  5. "A kiss may not be the truth, but it is what we wish were true." - The Painted Veil
  6. "Do you know what they call a Quarter Pounder with Cheese in Paris?" - Pulp Fiction
  7. "You never forget a beautiful thing that you have made. Even after you eat it, it stays with you - always." - Ratatouille
  8. "What do you mean, 'You don't eat no meat'? [the entire room stops, in shock] Oh, that's okay. I make lamb." - My Big Fat Greek Wedding
  9. "We'll always have Paris." - Casablanca
  10. "I'm having an old-fashioned hot flash." - Something's Gotta Give
  11. "I'd rather have a passport full of stamps than a house full of stuff." - Up in the Air

Short French Quotes about Life

  1. "La vie est belle." (Life is beautiful)
  2. "Tous les rêves sont permis." (All dreams are possible)
  3. "Carpe diem." (Seize the day)
  4. "Chaque jour est une nouvelle chance de bonheur." (Every day is a new chance for happiness)
  5. "La vie est un mystère qu'il faut vivre, et non un problème à résoudre." (Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved)
  6. "L'amour, c'est la vie." (Love is life)
  7. "La vie est faite de petits bonheurs." (Life is made up of small joys)
  8. "Il faut cultiver notre jardin." (We must cultivate our garden)
  9. "Vivre, c'est risquer de mourir. Espérer, c'est risquer de désespérer. Essayer, c'est risquer d'échouer. Mais il faut prendre des risques, car le plus grand danger dans la vie, c'est de ne rien risquer du tout." (To live is to risk dying. To hope is to risk despair. To try is to risk failure. But one must take risks, because the greatest danger in life is to risk nothing at all.)
  10. "La vie n'est pas un long fleuve tranquille." (Life is not a smooth and easy journey)

France Quotes for Instagram

  1. "Paris, je t'aime." (Paris, I love you)
  2. "Vive la France!" (Long live France!)
  3. "Fromage, vin, et baguette." (Cheese, wine, and baguette)
  4. "Je suis amoureux/amoureuse de la France." (I am in love with France)
  5. "La vie en rose." (Life in pink)
  6. "Savoir vivre." (Knowing how to live)
  7. "L'amour toujours." (Love always)
  8. "Toujours chic." (Always stylish)
  9. "J'adore la France." (I adore France)
  10. "Vive la liberté, égalité, fraternité." (Long live liberty, equality, fraternity)

Short French Quotes with English Translation

  1. "Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose." (The more things change, the more they stay the same.)
  2. "Joie de vivre." (Joy of living.)
  3. "C'est la vie." (That's life.)
  4. "Vouloir, c'est pouvoir." (Where there's a will, there's a way.)
  5. "L'art de vivre." (The art of living.)
  6. "La douceur de vivre." (The sweetness of living.)
  7. "Il n'y a pas de fumée sans feu." (There's no smoke without fire.)
  8. "Les petits plaisirs de la vie." (The small pleasures of life.)
  9. "La vie est courte." (Life is short.)
  10. "Petit à petit, l'oiseau fait son nid." (Little by little, the bird builds its nest.)

French Motivational Quotes

  1. "La vie ne vaut rien, mais rien ne vaut la vie." (Life is worth nothing, but nothing is worth life.)
  2. "Il n'est jamais trop tard pour devenir ce que l'on aurait dû être." (It's never too late to become what we should have been.)
  3. "Le succès, c'est d'aller d'échec en échec sans perdre son enthousiasme." (Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.)
  4. "Le bonheur n'est pas quelque chose de prêt à l'emploi. Il vient de vos propres actions." (Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions.)
  5. "Ne laissez jamais les échecs devenir un obstacle pour atteindre votre but." (Never let failures become a barrier to achieving your goals.)
  6. "L'effort ne trompe jamais." (Effort never deceives.)
  7. "Croire en soi, c'est déjà presque réussir." (Believing in oneself is already almost succeeding.)
  8. "Il faut viser la lune, parce qu'au moins, si vous échouez, vous finirez dans les étoiles." (You have to aim for the moon, because even if you fail, you'll end up among the stars.)
  9. "Le succès est la somme de petits efforts répétés jour après jour." (Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day after day.)
  10. "La persévérance est la clé du succès." (Perseverance is the key to success.)

French Quotes about Self Love

  1. "Aime-toi toi-même, et le reste suivra." (Love yourself first, and the rest will follow.)
  2. "La plus belle histoire d'amour, c'est celle que tu as avec toi-même." (The most beautiful love story is the one you have with yourself.)
  3. "Apprends à t'aimer, et tu sauras comment aimer les autres." (Learn to love yourself, and you'll know how to love others.)
  4. "Aimer son prochain comme soi-même, c'est commencer par s'aimer soi-même." (To love your neighbor as yourself, you must first love yourself.)
  5. "S'aimer soi-même, c'est le début d'une histoire d'amour qui durera toute une vie." (Loving yourself is the beginning of a love story that will last a lifetime.)
  6. "Il n'y a rien de plus important que d'aimer qui l'on est." (There's nothing more important than loving who you are.)
  7. "Tu es toi-même ta plus belle création." (You are your own most beautiful creation.)
  8. "L'estime de soi est la clé de la confiance en soi." (Self-esteem is the key to self-confidence.)
  9. "On ne peut pas plaire à tout le monde, mais on peut se plaire à soi-même." (You can't please everyone, but you can please yourself.)
  10. "Prends soin de toi, car tu es la personne la plus importante dans ta vie." (Take care of yourself, because you are the most important person in your life.)

Quotes in French with English Translation

  1. "La vie est belle." (Life is beautiful.)
  2. "Savoir vivre." (Knowing how to live.)
  3. "L'amour toujours." (Love always.)
  4. "C'est la vie." (That's life.)
  5. "Joie devivre." (Joy of living.)
  6. "Rien n'est impossible." (Nothing is impossible.)
  7. "Tout est possible." (Everything is possible.)
  8. "Vivre et laisser vivre." (Live and let live.)
  9. "La vérité est toujours meilleure." (The truth is always better.)
  10. "Être soi-même." (To be oneself.)

French Sayings about Life

  1. "La vie est une fleur dont l'amour est le miel." (Life is a flower, and love is its honey.)
  2. "La vie est un long fleuve tranquille." (Life is a long calm river.)
  3. "La vie est comme une boîte de chocolats, on ne sait jamais sur quoi on va tomber." (Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get.)
  4. "La vie est une aventure audacieuse ou rien." (Life is a daring adventure or nothing.)
  5. "La vie est trop courte pour être petite." (Life is too short to be small.)
  6. "La vie est un voyage, pas une destination." (Life is a journey, not a destination.)
  7. "La vie est belle, mais elle peut aussi être difficile." (Life is beautiful, but it can also be difficult.)
  8. "La vie est un mélange de bonheur et de tristesse." (Life is a mixture of happiness and sadness.)
  9. "La vie est une succession de moments, il faut savoir en profiter." (Life is a succession of moments, you have to know how to enjoy them.)
  10. "La vie est un cadeau, il faut savoir l'apprécier." (Life is a gift, you have to know how to appreciate it.)

French Love Quotes

  1. "Aimer, ce n'est pas se regarder l'un l'autre, c'est regarder ensemble dans la même direction." (Love is not looking at each other, it's looking together in the same direction.)
  2. "La vie est une fleur dont l'amour est le miel." (Life is a flower, and love is its honey.)
  3. "Le véritable amour est une histoire sans fin." (True love is a never-ending story.)
  4. "Le plus grand bonheur que l'on puisse trouver, c'est dans l'amour." (The greatest happiness that one can find is in love.)
  5. "L'amour est une rose, chaque pétale une illusion, chaque épine une réalité." (Love is a rose, each petal an illusion, each thorn a reality.)
  6. "Aimer, c'est offrir à quelqu'un de faire partie de sa vie pour toujours." (To love is to offer someone to be a part of their life forever.)
  7. "L'amour, c'est être capable de voir une personne telle qu'elle est vraiment, et l'accepter." (Love is being able to see a person as they really are, and accept them.)
  8. "Il n'y a pas de remède pour l'amour, mais d'aimer encore plus." (There's no cure for love, but to love even more.
  9. "L'amour ne connaît pas de frontières." (Love knows no boundaries.)
  10. "Aimer, c'est trouver sa richesse hors de soi." (To love is to find one's wealth outside oneself.)

In conclusion, French culture, language, and history have given us many beautiful and inspiring quotes that can serve as a source of motivation, reflection, and appreciation for the beauty of life. From famous French figures to movie characters and even everyday French sayings, these quotes capture the essence of what it means to be French and the values that the country holds dear.
Whether you're looking for a quote to inspire you, to share on social media, or to impress your friends with your knowledge of French culture, there's something here for everyone. From the poetic musings of Albert Camus to the witty quips of Coco Chanel, French quotes have a unique way of capturing the beauty and complexity of life.
So the next time you find yourself in need of some inspiration, take a look at these French quotes and let the language and culture of France inspire you. Remember, as Victor Hugo once said, "La vie est un sommeil, l'amour en est le rêve," (Life is a sleep, love is the dream) and let the beauty of French language and culture guide you through your own journey.