How to Choose a Career after 12th Class?
The boards are gone and it is the form filling and entrance season for the students. You might be confused thinking How to Choose a Career after 12th Class? Still, amidst doubts, I would suggest you keep calm, read this post and try to follow.
Things you can do to solve your ‘How to Choose a Career after 12th Class’ question:
Choose Subject Over Job Possibilities:
You are not even 18, adult enough to choose your career and life. Don’t keep your eyes on an easy job while choosing a subject or course that you hate. There are people who retire with the job they hate because they made wrong choices with college courses. Right now see what you like, the subject that’s your favourite and course that feel like yours. The place where your interest lies, holds vast expanse of jobs and possibilities.
Research can Disappear the Confusion:
Google can be your ‘Baahubali’ for melting the doubts away. You will get to know good courses like Animation, Java, C + +, ethical hacking, forensic sciences and lot more. There is so much to choose from. Endless options are there for you. Give yourself time to know you and opt for the course that reflects you. This is your effort to find out how to choose a career after 12th class? And it is crucial.
It’s Okay to Change Lines:
If you are feeling that the subjects you had in 12th are not your favourite then there is nothing wrong to change lines. Choose yourself what’s better, being a science student whole life with a desire of being a cartoonist buried under job pressure. Or being a cartoonist, fighting your doubts and living your life being proud of you. It’s not a misdemeanour to be a cartoonist after being a science student.
Life is up to You, Not the Course:
It’s up to you where you will take yourself in life, not up to your course or college. People with the same degree can be at two different levels, one on the sky and another nowhere. After getting into the college you’ll realise you can do anything when you couple degree with skills. Hone your skills. Do different things like doing side-by-side, allowed diplomas, language courses, learning a new skill. You can take the same boring course to a brilliant package.
Something is Better than Nothing:
Ensure that no regrets are left for you. Fill forms of all colleges you come across. Because if nothing good comes to you, you need to have a backup plan. You never know the course you dislike becomes your passion while you enter college. Don’t cringe your nose while filling forms of correspondence courses because something is better than
nothing. And you would regret a lot if your friend got the admission and you have not filled the admission form. So better empty your pocket a bit and fill the form.
Be Positive:
How to Choose a Career after 12th Class’ is a big question but not an unsolvable. There are so many colleges and you need only one seat. There is no point of being sad if you haven’t got any good news till now.
Two years back my cousin filled the form of every college and every course he knew. But he got no admission in initial days. My aunt planted a plant in their home and she said, “If this grows, you will get admission Aarav”. So, the job for my cousin was to water it, care for it and hope it grows. The positivity he gave to plant returned and later he got the admission in his desired course.
You too can plant something, help people, paste a photograph of your dream college and feel happy. You never know which act of positivity can change your life. Positivity is a rescuer for the question ‘How to Choose a Career after 12th Class?
Don’t be scared for your admission, everything will be fine. Choose what your heart says because it’s not a matter of death and life. Even if you get an undesired course, you can take your favourite in post graduation or a diploma (if allowed) in it along your college. Some colleges also allow changing courses if seats are available.
Don’t worry now about your admission. It’s a free hit, aim for a six and if you get out there is no loss.
Summary of How to Choose a Career after 12th Class?
- Choose Subject Over Job Possibilities: The place where your interest lies, holds vast expanse of job and possibilities.
- Research Disappears the Confusion: Give yourself time to know you and opt for the course that reflects you.
- Life is up to You, Not the Course: It’s up to you where you will take yourself in life, not up to your course or college.
- Something is Better than Nothing: Don’t cringe your nose while filling forms of correspondent courses because something is better than nothing.
- Be Positive: You never know which act of positivity can change your life.