motivational quotes for medical students


 motivational quotes for medical students

“Doctors make the world a better place by caring for people and making them better.” – Unknown


You don’t choose medical, medical have chosen you, you’ve been selected because you can and you will be a grat doctor.


“The most important practical lesson that can be given to nurses is to teach them what to observe.”--Florence Nightingale


“Nursing is a progressive art such that to stand still is to go backwards.”--Florence Nightingale


“Never underestimate the healing effects of beauty.”--Florence Nightingale


“Nursing is an art: and if it is to be made an art, it requires an exclusive devotion as hard a preparation as any painter's or sculptor's work.”--Florence Nightingale


“The very first requirement in a hospital is that it should do the sick no harm.”--Florence Nightingale


The girl in the mirror grins because without a word, her uniform denotes


That behind the pain, there is a purpose—it shows


In every hand I grasp, hug I give, smile I get, the sun rises from the shadows


Just because the training is crushing, does not mean the career's not meant to be


It's a privilege for nothing less than excellence to be expected from me


Yet this fortitude need not be well-verbalized, I've learned,


Taking care of myself, to be able to take care of others, will be rewarding in turn


I plaster my walls with quotes like “PICK YOURSELF UP” and “DON'T STOP UNTIL YOU'RE PROUD”


But no matter the many times I yell “I'M INDEFATIGABLE,” voice cracking aloud


The mirror reflects a girl so disheveled, defeated, distressed


Thank God for face masks because a depressed expression is hard to suppress


Sometimes I think that I and my problems don't really count


Focus on Neet Exam Studing. I know It’s hard, but believe me, it’s going to be worth it.


Every student may not clear the Neet exam, but every neet clear student is definitely good doctor.


One day you will introduce yourself as Doctor


“The most important thing is to enjoy your work – if you don’t enjoy it, find something you do that does.” – Dr. James Andrews


“The most important thing is to enjoy your work – if you don’t enjoy it, find something you do that does.” – Dr. James Andrews


“The most important thing is to enjoy your work – if you don’t enjoy it, find something you do that


You can not save the world but might save the man in front of you If you work fast enough.


Never Stop, One Day you will be someone’s hope, someone’s hero.


You have to go through so many restless night just to get bright future.


“Nurses are the heart of healthcare.” – Donna Wilk Cardillo


“It would not be possible to praise nurses too highly.” — Stephen Ambrose, Author


“Save one person, you’re a hero. Save hundreds, you’re a nurse.”--unknown


“A nurse is not what you do. It is what you are… I am a nurse. It’s not what I do, it’s what I AM.”


“BE KIND for everyone you meet is fighting a BATTLE”. -Plato


I think that even when I was in my nursery, I used to sign off every homework of mine writing Dr. Kanchan Kaur. – Dr. Kanchan Kaur


My parents would tell me that my first world was medicine and that single world gave me the inspiration to become a doctor. – Dr. Shubhank

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